Listed below are just a sample of the animals RepTyler’s can bring to your event – We currently have 27 different species of exotic animals and over 150 animals in total!!! Here just a few………..
Bambi, Monty or Snakey
Species: Burmese Python
From: Southern Asia and Florida
Fun Fact: Bambi is almost 16ft long and weighs an impressive 5.5 stone!
The Burmese Python is one of the larger species and is ranked as the 3rd largest of all snakes in the world. They don’t have venom but that doesn’t mean a bite won’t hurt! In the wild this reptile is a major threat to anything or anyone that gets in their way, however, our captive bred giant is very friendly and isn’t interested in hurting human beings unless taunted or frightened by us or if we smell of their food!
The average length of Burmese Pythons is 12 feet long but they can end up being much longer – growing up to a massive 23 feet. In the wild they can weigh up to 200 pounds but Bambi is a mere 75lb.
Species: Panther Chameleon
From: Madagascar
Fun Fact: Bubblegum has a really long tongue and changes his skin colour to suit his mood
The Panther Chameleon is a spectacularly coloured lizard. They come in many shades and degrees of brilliant blues and greens, and even black and can also have vertical bars of reds and blues. And as with any chameleon, watching their colour change is always fascinating.
Panther Chameleons are moderately-sized lizards, typically males will reach about 17″ in length, though they could reach up to 22″. The males are more vibrantly coloured than the females, though the colouring they have varies depending upon the region where they originate. Females, no matter what region they come from, tend to be brown or tan, sometimes with patches of pink or bright orange. They also have excellent sight and can launch their tongue out up to 26 times the length of the body to catch prey!
Species: Chile Rose Tarantula
From: Chile
Fun Fact: They have 8 legs and turn upside down when shedding their skin
The Rose-haired Tarantula is one of the most docile and hardy spiders being kept. In captivity. It is a very durable tarantula, originating from one of the driest scrub habitats in the world
Chilean Rose-haired Tarantulas are moderately large and quite stocky . They have a leg span reaching about 5 inches. They are coloured in a dark brown to black but then covered with a coat of reddish-orange to pink hairs over the entire body. Their various common names are derived from this subtle rose casting on the hair.
Species: Monitor Lizard
From: Argentina
Fun Fact: Tegu’s are able to run on their back legs
There are seven species of tegus that belong to family Teiidae. They can be found in South America and southern parts of North America. Tegus can survive in various habitats: rainforests, savannas, swamps, meadows, open fields…. Different species of tegus (especially Argentine Black & White Tegu) are often kept as pets because of their friendly nature. Tegus are often hunted for their skin and meat.
The Tegu is a large lizard and males are bigger than females, usually reaching 4 ½ feet in length with females averaging 3 feet in length. Tegus can weigh in excess of 50 pounds. The body of a Tegu is covered with beaded skin. The basic colour of their skin is black with yellow dots that stretch from its neck to the tail. Young tegus are green with black marks. The green turns into white after couple of months and adult colour develops usually after the second year.
Caramel, Custard, Cookie and Lily
Species: Crested Gecko Lizard
From: New Caledonia
Fun Fact: They have sticky pads and claws enabling them to clim any surface
The crested gecko is a relatively large species of gecko from the forests of southern New Caledonia. They are one of the most popular pet lizards to keep in the UK and easily the most popular arboreal gecko.
The crested gecko is easily identified by its semi prehensile tail, triangular shaped head and protrusions over the eye socket resembling eyelashes. Naturally, they can be found in shades of grey, brown, red, orange and yellow but private breeders have refined these into many colour and pattern morphs. Crested geckos are most commonly found in the southern province of New Guinea but they have also been found on the surrounding islets and on the island of Grande Terre. Their average Life Span: 10 years but older in captivity!
Species: Royal Python
From: Africa
Fun Fact: They are also known to be called a Ball python
The royal python is a very small species of python, which generally does not grow to more than 90 to 120 centimetres.
Royal pythons are found in Africa, particularly in Ghana and Togo. They are also known as ball pythons because, when they are frightened, they roll into a tight ball. Royal pythons have bold patterns on their brown skin and, although their colour varies, it usually includes shades of yellow.Pythons are not poisonous. Instead, they kill their prey by encircling it and tightening their coils to cause suffocation. Their brown and black markings help them camouflage on the forest floor as they wait to ambush their prey.